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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

On This Day

On this day in 1998, I was surrounded with friends and family celebrating my graduation from high school; and on this day in 2012, I'm celebrating my son, my flesh and blood, my young man's entrance into high school.  

To my Young Master Kendall I.F. Riley:
It's been a long and very trying three years, filled with ups and downs, countless changes, but more learning experiences than most people have in a lifetime. It may not seem like an accomplishment to some, but between you and me, WE KNOW.  
Take the wisdom that was, is and will continue to be given to you, and use it.  There should never be a day that you do not learn at least one new thing.  This is YOUR time, YOUR moment and YOUR day.  Make the most of it.  You are a wonderful, bright and caring young man and it's time that the world sees you the way that I do: a leader with the potential for greatness who will rival and overshadow that of so many before you. 
This is only the beginning for you, so many things will come to deter you from the goals that you've set for yourself, and when it does, don't hesitate to fall to your knees and surrender.  Not surrendering to the pressure, or the circumstance, but surrendering to your Heavenly Father.  He knows every single thing about you, even things that you and I don't know.  I pray that you experience His power with unconditional surrender and total trust in His plan for your life.
As a mother, there's so much sadness that I could feel today, but I choose joy instead.  Joy, because although I have not been the perfect parent (and never will be), I have confidence that you are already a much better human being that I could ever hope to be; not to mention you're almost out of the house :-) .
There will always be people and forces working against you, but take hold of the fact that there are so many who believe in you, even when you don't believe in yourself, and you'll never fail.

Unconditional, unchanging and undying love always,

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Warning

I can't and won't apologize for sounding bitter, angry or scorned, ESPECIALLY since I know BOTH sides of the coin i.e. women who don't appreciate the men that they have, women who are waiting for some superficial, perfect guy, etc.; however, the actions of men (famous and non alike) have prompted me to share some feelings of the very same women you speak with, speak ill of, and the ones you continue to overlook daily:
Your apathy towards the woman who cares for you, who's polite, who's passive, and who would rather be physically monogamous because she's finally found someone to satisfy her, is disheartening. Your love for the "bad bitches," the groupies, the attitude-having, Birkin bag-carrying, red bottoms-wearing, can't cook to save her life, will open up her legs, turn up her backside, for any and every camera, whether it be in the club or in her bathroom, is, in short, disgusting.
You all are upset, calling yourselves good men and believing yourselves to be so good that you think that a woman with a fat ass, exotic, or red-bone with long hair will be your Biblical good thing; but are overlooking the natural sister, the brown-skinned sister, the sister who decides not to bare all for the sake of her dignity and her reputation, all because you, in your visual glory, wanted a piece of ass for a moment. 
Why are you so intimidated by her independence? Why are you so suspicious of her willingness to forego a night of clubbing? Why are you so distrusting of the look in her eye or the look in another man's eye when he sees her? Is it because you've found yourself inadequate; and your guilt for all the crimes you've committed against love has led you to realize that you're unworthy of the care and love she's capable of giving? 
What are you teaching your children? That the video vixen is the desirable woman? That having a woman who prides herself on being labeled a banger, a groupie, or a jump is okay? 
Take the blinders off and see. See yourself first, and once you see yourself, you may stop believing in the superficial, and not be influenced by men, whom of which had it not been for the sheer genius of other men who wanted to become millionaires by any means, would never be able to date the plastic dolls that are flaunted in your faces in real life. Then you may be able to see that love and beauty is not light or dark-skinned; short or long hair; exotic, mixed or pure-blooded; tall or short; thick or slim; but usually what you've had in front of you the entire time.