(Almost) daily posts from a Southern girl (but who cares how I view the world?)
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Friday, February 4, 2011
And so, we wait
Over the course of my adult life, and especially my time back in Alabama, I've had many guys express amazement by the fact that I'm single. They always ask what's wrong with me, and some even go so far as to call me selfish or picky. But why do I choose to wait and stay single? Like a lot of women (and MOST men), I'm actually not waiting for the "perfect" person. Just for the one who's perfect for ME. Not the guy who believes he can give me everything in the world to make me happy, not the one my friends or family says is a good catch, not the 6'5" athlete, the six-figure man, and not the guy who I just know is going "somewhere." Women can be content with the guy who picks up her garbage, the bartender who made her favorite drink just right, the short man, the guy with the least amount of charisma, or even the average guy who just made her laugh. So is it true? Does everyone deserve a chance? Absolutely! Just not always from the people we believe we deserve them from. As painful as it is, I have to admit and accept (probably more than anyone, especially at this very moment), that I'm not every man's type, nor his fantasy, nor his "one," no matter how much I've been told it by others. As someone who's been on both ends, and have yet to be in an actual relationship in my adult years, being single (and sometimes alone) is something that I've reluctantly embraced. So, I'll continue to wait. Maybe not as patiently as I should, but I'm willing to do it. So, I challenge you to ask yourself, are you willing to say no and walk alone for a while longer? Or are you willing to let go of a person who has decided to wait and not become offended by the rejection, or will you be selfish, and possibly a hindrance, by trying to make them see how you could be their "good" thing? My advice is to bow out gracefully. I know, easier said than done, but it could very well be your blessing in disguise.
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But it's not the wait that most women fear. It's the thought process during the wait. The realization of ending up alone in the long run because her prince charming never arrives.